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humor | Mocne rozmowy pracowników w biurach

humorPrzykładowe rozmowy pracowników: :)

Suit #1: Yo, you tried that new Office?
Suit #2: What?
Suit #1: That new Microsoft Office 2008, 2009 or whatever.
Suit #2: Yeah.
Suit #1: That shit is hot!
Manhattan, New York
Supermarket guy #1: Do you have a pen?
Supermarket guy #2: No.
Supermarket guy #1: Where do you live?
Supermarket guy #2: What for? So you can come over anytime and borrow my pen?
Sydney, Australia

White female applicant taking computer test: Wait. My screen just went all Stevie Wonder.
Manager: Stevie Wonder?
Female applicant: You know... All black.

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